
Pilar Family Adventure Poster
This term we learnt that words and pictures can mean a lot more. To test that out we were told to make a poster that has pictures and words. We were given the option of making a poster about Pilar Family Adventure, English Day or Drop Everything And Read. This time I went for a poster about Pilar Family Adventure and put more words on it. I made this project on Canva app in my phone.
I chose this work because I am satisfied with what I have made myself.
I have learned that words can mean more in posters.
In this work I mostly use thinking skill to match the colours and the shapes so it fits well. I also tried to begin with the end in mind so I can imagine and have a picture in my head of what the end product will be.
The difficulties when I did this work is that I had to use different applications because this is also an interlink with IT. But overall, I think I did excellent this time.


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