

Book Review and Written Debate
Grade 12

We were given the responsibility of reintroduce a couple of topics that we have learned throughout these 3 years. We would take turns on presenting our slides based on which one we learned first. In this assignment, Salsa and I got two topics that we learned from eleventh grade, which are book review and written debate. I was quite familiar and can recall a bit about written debate, so I chose to be in charged of the topic. Our strategy was one topic each so that we both understand on what we are presenting and we did just that. After we gathered the information we compile it into one and make the slides into definition, function, structure and the example.

Through making this presentation, I have relearned the topic and understood it again so that I can also teach my friends again. Also, I learn on how to get better at presenting each time I do it and that time it was no different. I learned that a visually pleasing power point can engage the audience more. I used research, communication and social skills in this one because I worked well with my partner through line and we recollected the data from what we learned a year ago plus some from the internet. I mostly used put first things first, because at that time, we were having a lot of tasks and we managed to get this done. The main difficulty I had was that book review and written debate was something that we learned a year ago, so we to research again the proper information and adjust it on how we learned it a year ago. Overall I think my work is good because Bu Imar told us that it was informative and still attractive also my friends gave us great feedback.


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