Musikalisasi Puisi


Grade 12
Subject: Interlink (Music, Bahasa Indonesia, Sejarah, PKn, IT and PE)

We were given the challenge to make a complex project. In this project, we first have to create a poem about Indonesian history, since it was close to Independence Day. Then we have to make it musical and also a video. It was a group of five project and we were given a long time to make it given the scale of the project. The first week, we planned what to do later and who is in charged of what. Then, we focused on making the poem which later is made musical. After that, we shoot our videos and compile them. After the music is also done, we finish it by editing it into one. At the end, because this is also a competition, we achieved second place.

From this project, I have learned to make a poem based on an occasion, how to take a video shot so it looks good and combining a poem with the video. I also learned that making a project at this scale is also possible at times like these. I used all of the skills (Thinking, Social, Communicating, Research and Self-management) to really participate in this group project and also contributing. All the skills were needed at times like this. I mostly used begin with the end in mind, since it was so large we had to plan it. The main difficulty I had was the limitation, due to the pandemic, it's kind of hard to not be able to meet my group members in person. In the beginning, we thought very hard on how to make this video but in the end we completed it together. Overall I think my work is excellent. I am really satisfied of how it ended up and also the process of making it.

 Click here to watch


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